Old household items

From vinyl to classic phones to technological devices, many antique objects are still part of homes.
Some have been reinvented over time, others have lost their prominence and some have simply disappeared. The objects in the house change as do the needs of those who occupy them, but they all share something in common. At some point in history, what are now considered ancient objects came into our homes to make our lives easier.
However, no one can deny that many of the technological devices of decades ago are now disused objects that, more out of nostalgia than utility, still occupy a space in some corner of the house. Who does not remember the mythical cassette tapes? The Walkman? And what about the incombustible Spectrum?
Today many of these manifestations of ancient technology are true collector’s items, so if you still have some of these ancient objects, perhaps, before throwing them away, you can turn them into a source of income.
The alternatives are to integrate them into the decoration to give your interiors a vintage touch or, if lack of space is already a problem, to apply the mantras of the Konmari method and give them a goodbye to height. In any case, we present you with a selection of ‘incunabula’ among which, surely, you recognize more than one.
Old technology
Within the category of technological objects there are some really mythical ones. Remember when you used to wait for your favourite song to play before recording it on your cassette tape?
The scene is a classic as well as floppy disks, first generation video consoles (and their cartridge games), fax machines, VHS video and typewriters, technological devices at the forefront decades ago that when remembered in our days, bring a smile to those who comb gray hair (or not).
Tube TV
It was for decades the king of the living room but, despite being one of the most popular objects in the house today, its format has changed substantially. The old tube TVs, or ‘culonas’ as they are known by the older people, have withstood the test of time and still have a place, mainly in old town houses or second homes where the pace of life seems to be a little slower.
Who wants a Smart Tv if you can enjoy a swim at the beach, a walk in the mountains or an afternoon in the square with your summer neighbours?
Home Phone
Another of the objects in the house that has been losing prominence is the home phone. Many will remember the endearing announcement of Edu congratulating Christmas while holding a cordless phone. Although the device in question is still present in many homes, fixed telephony has undergone a major transformation.
Do you have among the antiques in the house one of those mythical roulette phones where the closest thing to call waiting was your mother telling you to hang up? Yes, a classic turned into a decorative accessory.

Old steam irons
Other objects in the house that have been reinvented over time are even more solitary. The old steam irons (today they almost remove the wrinkles alone), were a revolution that few people remember.
However, in the chimney of the living room, the kitchen and even as a pot for flowers, they are one of the most decorative antique objects that you can keep at home.
Barefoot machines
The furniture also does not escape the passing of the years, transforming many of the old proposals into useless objects. Although giving a new air to the lines of certain pieces has allowed them to have a place in classically-inspired environments, the truth is that their role is far from being a protagonist.
The barefoot machines, for example, once a symbol of stately homes, are practically non-existent in the most current interior design proposals.
Leaving aside the chapter on old technology, there are many other ‘classic’ household objects that, today, have a merely sentimental character.
Do you remember when there were no search engines and knowledge was collected in encyclopedias? Doing a work for the institute was, then, a challenge, a real research in the purest style of Sherlock Holmes turned into a memory.
Phone book
Technological devices, household objects, furniture… All of them are part of the recent memory of many homes but some were really practical. The phone book or the yellow pages were the phone version of ‘Finding Wally’.
You could find a distant relative, a co-worker or a 24-hour locksmith if you were patient enough to consult their hundreds of pages and references. Doing it today with a few clicks has lightened the burden of the task but, in a way, has also taken some of the charm out of it.
Nostalgic or not, many homes still treasure antique items that, if well preserved, can add a personal imprint to your home. Which one do you keep?