The Benefits of CBD Oil

In this post we are going to explain what CBD oil is, how to take CBD oil, its benefits and contraindications.
CBD oil is the result of mixing a vegetable oil (either extra virgin olive oil, almond oil or another variety), with the paste extracted from industrial cannabis (better known as hemp). Depending on the proportion of paste in the oil, we will get more or less concentration, so we can control the dose we take.
CBD oil can be taken in different ways depending on the result we are looking for. The most effective, practical and discreet would be the small bottles that include a dispenser or dropper to administer the dose. We place the CBD oil drops under the tongue, wait a few seconds and then swallow.
If it is the first time you are going to take this oil, it is advisable to start with one that does not exceed 5% concentration (here we leave you an example) although the most common are those of 10% concentration (like this one we leave you here), always following the manufacturer’s instructions.there is also the possibility of incorporating it into meals, both to dress salads and to season the stew or grill that we are going to prepare. For this purpose, there are larger and more suitable formats such as this one.
NATURAL: The human body has its own endocannabinoid system that regulates functions such as pain, hunger, sleep …, so the main benefit of this product is that the substance that we are adding is not foreign to the body, if not already secrete it naturally and with the consumption of CBD oil what we do is increase the dose.

HELPS SLEEP: As we have said before, the endocannabinoid system is in charge of regulating sleep. By increasing the body’s natural dose with CBD oil, we get better sleep. Of course, it is advisable to try small doses little by little and let the body assimilate and regulate it.
ANTIINFLAMMATORY: CBD oil can be used as a natural alternative to painkillers. There are still not enough studies on what dose is ideal for each case so we recommend starting with small doses and if you want to abandon the pharmaceutical painkillers permanently consult your doctor before.
CHRONIC DISEASES: Thanks to its sedative properties, many people with chronic diseases such as cancer, arthritis, sclerosis, epilepsy … have already incorporated CBD oil in their daily lives. There are several studies that support its results in people suffering from these diseases. It reduces pain, inflammation, nausea… However, it is not a cure, it is a means to alleviate their symptoms.
STRESS AND ARTERIAL TENSION: As we said before, cannabidiol is an element that the body produces naturally, so taking CBD oil increases the natural regulation of the body, reducing tension and increasing our general feeling of wellbeing, reducing stress.
CBD oil has no contraindications or adverse consequences related to its normal use, since it is an element that our body manufactures naturally and therefore there is no direct reaction or antibodies that try to expel it. However, diarrhea or nausea may occur in people who have ingested extremely high doses (overdose).
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